Silver Category

Silver category fee-Kindly enquire with office.

Silver category members access the following services from ZAMFI:

A) Capacity Building & Training

  1. Staff training on international best practices microfinance courses at subsidized rates.
  2. Accesses to technical microfinance advisory services
  3. Provision as per request, individual performance reports
  4. Provision as per request individual compliance reports with laws, directive and core client protection principles.

B) Lobbying and Advocacy

  1. Lobbying by the association on behalf of members with key stakeholders such as government, regulatory authorities, developmental partners, donors and investors
  2. ZAMFI can accompany a member to meetings on an issue that the particular member needs be to addressed as long it is in line with ZAMFI objectives and not detrimental to other members.
  3. Negotiating and bargaining where possible of behalf of members for supports services such as IT, external audits, ratings and legal services.

C) Networking & Information Dissemination

  1. Access to research papers and presentations on latest trends and developments in the microfinance sector, locally, regional and internationally, where ZAMFI could have been invited
  2. Attendance to membership meetings fully/partially paid for by ZAMFI
  3. Peer to peer information sharing

*See also Gold Category and Platinum Category



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